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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summer fit

Are you ready to hit the beach or are you dreading going to buy a new swimsuit? We’ll there is still time to tone that body up and make it bikini or swimsuit fit. Here are some of Shaz summer fit list of workouts, diets, and simple steps to shape up and get healthy this summer. Liquored Diet makeover Before you say are you crazy ,No I’m not saying go on a liquored diet. What I mean by liquored diet makeover is watch what you drink! Yes what you drink can make or break thus few extra kilo’s that your trying to get ride of. Avoid : • Soft drinks , if you must drink 1 – 2 glass a week • Coffee , if you need that caffeine bust in morning than have it. Just try an curve your mugs down to 1 -2 • Alcohol , keep it to a minim and try the light versions Tip: if you need your soft drink fix or coffee fix try doing this – soft drink trade your normal soft drink in for diet or zero one. Coffee it take away the sugars and the milk. Increase: • Water in tack – 8 glass a day ( herbal teas count as water ) • Green tea – 2 – 3 cups a day , besides the health benefits it also kick starts the metabolism Great tip is – to take about 15ml fruit juices and add it to green tea in a 500ml bottle , allow to cool and drink it as an iced tea. Busy life style - Shape your body with exercises We all get busy and find 100’s of reason to not go to gym or walk – well here are some ways to help you, get your body into shape the easy way. • Toning machine – exercises while resting or having a facial or pedicure ( multi tasking to get the most out of a busy life) A typical 20 minute stomach treatment is the equivalent of doing 300 perfect sit ups More info see july & august newsletters • Abdominal 1. Sit with an upright spine and your feet on the floor. Make sure the chair is stable. Then tighten your stomach as you lift your feet off the ground. 2. stand with your feet together and then lift one leg off of the floor. Try to keep your back straight and your abdominals engaged. As you extend your leg, you will find that your stomach muscles will feel this exercise. Repeat this activity while balancing on the opposite leg. 3. Stomach vacuum - All you basically need to do is to suck in your stomach as far as you can while bringing your chest outward. This clenches your ab muscles and can help strengthen them enough for they appear more toned and your tummy gets flatter • Bum exercises 1. When walking up stairs make sure to press through your heel as you raise and lower yourself through each repetition. Tap the top of the stairs with the opposite foot for all reps, and then switch legs 2. Stand and hold wall swing one leg out to side, repeat on other side

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